
Admiring Houses on an Evening Stroll

I recently spent a few nights with my mom and had one delightful walk in her Walnut Avenue neighborhood.  Walking in an older neighborhood with mixed architecture is pure pleasure for me.

Isn’t this boxwood lined stone wall pretty? 

This house is on a huge lot and I’d love to know more about it.

It is surrounded by large Boxwoods making a curious person like me really want to know what they might be hiding.

Look what I discovered is in the backyard when I found an opening in the Boxwood.  Don’t worry, I didn’t go in the yard, I’m at the edge of the Boxwood.  Wouldn’t you like to sit in a comfortable chair with a glass of wine in front of that outdoor fireplace?


Even the drainage into the city sewer is elegant.

I hope to get a glimpse of these Peonies when they bloom.  If I am not in the area, I’ll have to remind my mom to walk to see them.

There was another opening in the Boxwood on the back end of the property.  Here you can see the back of the house and this pretty bridge.  The fireplace that you saw in the picture above is to the right.

On another street I spotted this beautiful Bleeding Heart in a yard.  I need to grow this!


On my way back to my mom’s house I noticed houses on different streets with similar architecture, so I backtracked to take a picture of each.  When I looked at the pictures later on, I realized that it is the same house built on three different streets!  The next time I’m in town, I’m going to look to see if there are more.



I hope that one day someone will restore this home.  It’s got great potential.

This Victorian always catches my eye.

I look forward to my next walking opportunity in this pretty town.


  1. beautiful homes! I would love to live in one of them. I have a bleeding heart in pink and in white. You should get one. Easy to grow.

  2. I am always so envious of your walks!! One of these days, I’ll take a stroll through the ‘Burg and get some shots in Olde Towne. I love that neat outdoor fireplace! I have ONE lone peony at the end of the driveway…it usually fries and I’lve never seen it bloom. I told T’s mom I didn’t think it would do well there, but she thought it would. :s

  3. I’m afraid if I lived in that neighborhood, I’d be the local Mrs. Kravitz…..nosy, peeking into everyone’s homes. They’re just stunning!

  4. One of my favorite things to do is look at homes and imagine their story. Thanks for those beauties!!

  5. Lovely homes! I have always wanted an outdoor fireplace. I am so glad that you found an opening in the boxwood and got some pictures! Carla

  6. The first home is almost like out of a fairy tale! I love boxwood and little secret gardens. And I also love to look at homes…I’m not brave enough to take my camera though!!


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  8. Your peeking through the boxwood makes me think of a secret garden. How cool is that, that you could pop through the boxwood into that gorgeous place? 🙂

  9. That outdoor fireplace and bridge are beautiful! I love all those houses. I always find myself wondering what kind of people live in those beautiful restored homes. Like, do they dress for dinner every night and have servants? or do htey roam around that big old gorgeous house in bare feet and sweats or jammies? Maybe a rich recluse lives there. You ever wonder things like that? Nope? Just me? Okay. Well, thanks for sharing.

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