Signs of Spring

I took a quick walk around the neighborhood on Saturday to capture signs of spring in photographs.  Spring officially begins on March 20 and I am more than ready for it.

Periwinkle blooms on our property border.

Most of my bulbs bloom later in season, but a few are blooming gloriously now.

This Crocus managed to escape the deer. 

Our next door neighbor’s gigantic Crabapple is starting to get its leaves.

A bit further down the street is a Flowering Quince.  This will be so pretty when it is in full bloom.

I slow down each spring when I enter our neighborhood and see this patch of Crocus blooming.  I often wonder how many years these have bloomed in this spot.

The tall structure that you see along the wall is a tea house. 

Lenton Roses in another neighbor’s yard.  I can’t believe that I don’t have any of these.

This Forsythia is on the edge of our yard.  The deer eat this like crazy.  I guess I should thank them for trimming it back for me.

We’ve had some really nice temperatures lately and a good amount of rain.  With the combination of the two, more and more should bloom in the next couple of weeks.  I plan to enjoy every glorious bloom!


  1. Oh I love the photos. The first signs of spring are always so fun to see. I love the flowers and the green grass…but my allergies don’t. I’m sneezing and my eyes are itching.
    I was actually taking pictures like this yesterday to post on my blog too. Great minds… 🙂
    Have a great day,

  2. Oh Paula, you must get some lenten roses! I love mine!! Love the blooms. Often mine have bloomed early to mid Feb. Not for the past two years. 🙁 It’s been too cold. Mine are in full bloom right now and I just love them. The foliage is interesting also and it looks good all summer.

    I rode my bike and walked in the neighborhood this weekend. I should have taken my camera. The Bradford pears are in full bloom right now. Just gorgeous!!!

  3. Beautiful photos, Paula! Springtime in Virginia really is something, isn’t it? I grew up in Tennessee and Mississippi, where springtime is very pretty. Then I moved to Virginia when I got married and my husband was in grad school at UVA. Springtime in Charlottesville literally made my jaw drop! So many beautiful things blooming.

    I think we’re all ready for spring this year, don’t you?

  4. How blessed you are to live in your own little Eden. 😉 I love the crab apple tree! We had one in my yard when I was a little girl. 🙂 Great photos!

  5. I can’t believe it!!! I had PLANNED to mosey around our town today to capture some signs of spring for a post. But hubby asked, very nicely, that I stay home because he is expecting a package from UPS and LAST time they took it away with them when no one was home.

    However – – – when I get MY signs of spring post up and running, you will probably be SHOCKED and possibly even AGHAST at how DIFFERENT the early signs of spring are HERE in Central Wisconsin than there.


  6. so wonderful to see signs of Spring! I am counting the days…crocuses are up in NJ but that is all!
    Cant wait! enjoy gardening!!

  7. So pretty! I love seeing the daffodils & forsythia blooming when we visit my aunt in Virginia. Its usually around this time of year, but we didnt make it this year. Nothing blooming at our house except the orange, grapefruit & peach trees.

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