Tree Peony

With the unusually warm weather that we’ve had this spring, my tree peony is blooming extra early.  I adore regular peonies which bloom a bit later in the season and love having a tree peony to enjoy before the big regular peony show. The deer don’t touch this plant which makes it a must for…

Orchid Cactus (Epiphyllum)

Epiphyllum, also known as Orchid Cactus, is a jungle-leaf cacti or leaf-flowering cacti native to Central America.  My grandmother gave my Epiphyllum to me when she moved from her house into a retirement home.  Each spring I await its glorious blooms. The photograph below was taken last Sunday.  This past week I’ve watched the buds…

2012 Landscape Project

For the past couple of years, we’ve focused on improving our home’s curb appeal.  Projects have included:  a new driveway, parking area, and patio; steps leading from the patio to the basement; extending several landscape beds; installing irrigation; and last year, killing every blade of grass in our lawn to eradicate my enemy, Bermuda grass,…

November Gardening

November gardening has mostly consisted of mowing and raking at our house.  After that’s been accomplished, we haven’t had energy or time for much else. One thing that I must soon do is to clear away my now dead vegetable plants and store the posts and tomato cages for next year. The garlic that I…

Fall Blooms

Having four distinct seasons is one thing that I love about life in Virginia.  I prefer warm weather but fall is here, so I may as well enjoy it.  Each season brings something different to my flower beds.  These fall blooming Crocus were given to me by my grandmother.  They send up pretty green foliage…

Baby You’re A Firework!!

Not the kind in the sky, not the Katy Perry kind, the Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’ botanical kind!It’s fireworks season in my yard!  Beautiful Goldenrod is exploding with its arching yellow blooms in several of my beds.  This is a great plant for my yard as it is deer resistant.  It’s a bit invasive but easy to…