Cleaning Up the Yard

We had really high winds here last Sunday. My yard was full of branches and sticks and looked terrible. It was so nice here yesterday, blue skies with temps in the 50’s, that I decided it would be a great day to get the yard looking tidy again.

I was about halfway finished with the sticks when hubby came out into the yard wearing his camo pants. He doesn’t hunt anymore, so it had to mean he intended to work on something. He once mowed down a beautiful bed of Ivy when I wasn’t looking, so I’m always a bit suspicious when he gets into my territory – the yard.

He got his chain saw out and told me he was going to cut down two trees that had died. Whew! He wasn’t out there to cut down something good.

After messing with the chainsaw for 30 min. he finally got it going. The blade was so dull that it wouldn’t cut, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. He went into the house and came out with a saw that was my grandfather’s. He had to unscrew it from the wall because we had it hung in his workshop for a decoration. Let me tell you, it works just fine.

I would bet that Granddaddy bought this saw at an auction. Who knows how old it is. The handle is made out of plyboard. I wouldn’t be surprised if Granddaddy replaced a worn out or broken handle with this.

Hubby cuts off all the branches that he can reach with Granddaddy’s saw and then informs me that he wants to cut down the trunks using this and wants to know if I’ll help him.

Since it is still screwed to the wall in his workshop, you can guess that I said “NO”!

Our Cherry Tree now looks like this:

Beautiful, huh? I hope that he buys a new chain for the chain saw this week. This is in the front yard!

This poor tree has been on its way out for the past ten years. Here it is a few years ago when it looked a little better. I have been dreading its death.

Here’s the dogwood that died. I really hated to lose this tree.

Spring is coming. Some bulbs are poking their little heads out of the ground.

I probably will replace the cherry tree with another just like it. I’m not sure about he Dogwood. My horticulturist running buddy suggested a Vibernum for the Dogwood’s location. We’ll see.

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